<% String contId = request.getParameter("contId"); request.setAttribute("contId", contId); %>
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    2. <strike id="o6who"></strike>


        CCIC 9590 call center awarded “2017 China Best Customer Call Center Prize”

        On September 21st, 2017 China Call Center and BOP Industry Alliance Summit was held in Zibo, Shandong. After fierce competition and expert assessment, our 95590 call center stood out since we have supreme operation quality and promising service innovation.


        全國統一客服:95590直銷(xiāo)車(chē)險:4009 666 666

        Copyright 2008 中國大地財產(chǎn)保險股份有限公司 ALL Reserved 版權所有


        滬ICP備09091317號-4 滬公網(wǎng)安備31011502400149號

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